Recently the MP program here at the Forest Hill Military Academy had to experience the roles and reality of what its like to be a police officer! With antagonizing pain each MP cadet had to have pepper spray lightly spread over their eyes with a cutip just to get a feel of what a police officer has to go through in order to be in the position they are in to this day.
Our MP program also had to go through the Obstacle Course today as each and every cadet could not get through any stage of this course without leadership qualities and most importantly TEAMWORK! Together Everyone Achieves More! That is one of the most important qualities that are taught here at the Forest Hill Military Academy.
Following the Obstacle Course was the Rappel Tower that stands 50 feet in the air. Each cadet had to be strapped tightly in a harnace and hooked to a rappeling rope forming the "L" shape position as each cadet had to lean over the side and jump away, with hearts pounding and shaking bones each cadet made it safely to the ground and was ready for another round!
Our upcoming event will be graduation for each MP cadet this saturday as each and every cadet performed outstanding leadership and patience!
Congratulations MP cadets you made it! :)
Kristina Webb
Assistant S1/5