Annual Training consists of three groups of events:
Group 1 – Cadet Training and Leader Development
Basic Cadet Training (2 Weeks)
Basic Leader Course (3 Weeks)
Troop Handler Academy (1 Week)
Cadet Noncommissioned Officer Course (3 weeks)
This week we are offering the Troop Handler Academy.
The Troop Handler Academy is a 6 day training event for handpicked Cadet Noncommissioned Officers who desire to be selected to serve as Troop Handlers for recruits participating in our Basic Cadet Training programs. Their training emphasizes small unit leadership drill, basic customs and courtesies, uniforms, physical fitness, barracks procedures and techniques used in training new recruits.
When the Cadets complete their training they will be eligible to staff our Basic Cadet Training as Troop Handlers or assist as staff members at the Basic Leader Course.
Cadets must typically be in the rank of Cadet Corporal or above and have satisfactorily completed the USAC’s Basic Leader Course to be eligible to attend this course.
Group 2 – High Adventure
We also have a series of High Adventure or as they say here “HOOAH!” type of activities. These are:
Cadet Ranger Challenge (3 weeks)
Cadet Ranger School (3 Weeks)
Military Police Academy (2 Weeks)
The Army Cadet Martial Arts Program (1 Week)
Cadets this week are starting the Cadet Ranger Challenge, an intense three-week program based on the U.S. Army Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP). This program is designed to introduce Cadets to High Adventure lifestyle and includes challenges of both personal trials and team environments.
Successful completion of CRC is required in order to be eligible for Cadet Ranger School (CRS). To pass, excellent conditioning and motivation is required while maintaining the ability to work as part of a team
Group 3 – Professional Development
Finally we will be offering a series of week-long development courses for our officers and non commissioned officers. These are:
Officer Candidate School (OCS) Phase I
Officer Candidate School (OCS) Phase III
Direct Commission Course (DCC)
These courses will start later in the summer and focus in the development of the officers who lead your local companies and administer the program here at headquarters.
Thanks and have a great Army Cadet day.
Civilian Executive, USACC
Annual Training Battalion
Public Affairs Officer
Headquarters, U.S. Army Cadet Corps
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