With the graduation of the first Basic Cadet Training upon us, the Cadets of USAC have gained a basic knowledge and understanding of what exactly the Army is all about.
Our recruits have now been here for one whole week and have gained an outstanding amount of strength and discipline just by our Physical Training, navigational Studies, unarmed Regulation Drill, barracks maintenance. In recognition of our recruit's improvement they each receive two hours of "Canteen" each evening.
Our Physical Training consists of warm up exercises, push ups, sit ups, and running each and every morning beginning at 0600. Our navigational studies consists of basic map reading and compass comprehension so that in each and every recruit and Cadet's lifetime they will be able to make it to safety during any given situation.
Unarmed Regulation Drill is where all discipline and observance is taken place to teach each and every recruit the importance of listening so that whenever a problem is in the air. Each recruit will be able to use all eyes and ears to be able to point out all problems that may come up in the future.
Barracks Maintenance is described as very easy but very important to learn. It teaches the importance of a clean, safe, and livable environment. By taking these important steps in our program, each Cadet and recruit has made outstanding improvement since day one and have set their minds out to be the strongest man or woman alive, to be sensible, and to be successful.
With these improvements and mindsets each recruit and Cadet is rewarded with "Canteen" time, which is a fun reward for the hard work that each person has given over the time period of being at USAC. Canteen time is where each person has a chance to go to ACES to get a snack or drink, shirts, shorts, camelbacks, and any necessity that is needed. They also get to play Fooseball, air hockey, pool, play Guitar Hero, interact with their friends, and even a chance to sing karaoke.
Our cadre here at the National Cadet Training Center has been very impressed with the improvements and talent that each recruit has shown us in just one week of being here. It may have started out as a new schedule to get used to at the beginning, but now each recruit and Cadet looks forward to each day and activity that comes next in their life.
In the next few days, it's time for Basic Rifle Marksmanship and the Rappel Tower!
Graduation may be just "five days and a wake-up!" But, there's still a lot ahead of these new recruits and Cadets!
Willie Curry
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