Saturday, June 30, 2012

"It's 'Africa Hot' in Millersburg!"

There's no tap-dancing around's HOT here!   The temperatures have topped at 105 C, which is well above the norm for central Kentucky in the deep of the summer.   However, we had a very mild winter and it seems that we're now paying the price.

Wearing a hat to keep protected
While training hasn't stopped here at the National Cadet Training Center (NCTC), it is always clear that safety is our first priority.   As a result, we have put all of our Cadets and recruits into "PT Gear" (the Physical Training Uniform) and have deviated from the Army's uniform policy by having all personnel wear headgear (a Patrol Cap or "PC") at all times.   Some of our Cadets and recruits come from as far away as China and Alaska, so it's difficult to get used to the heat of Kentucky in a short period of time.  (Of course, we have one young recruit here from Saudi Arabia...he's enjoying the cool weather!)

Recruits wearing "Camelbacks" for water.
Water saves lives.   As a result, you'll here the command "Hydrate!" barked repeatedly by Troop Handlers across the NCTC, with the response from recruits, in unison "Water!  Water!  Water!   Hydrate or Die!"   

I'd venture to guess that our Cadets and recruits are drinking more water per day than they normally drink in a week.  Actually, that's healthy, but it is a change in their system.  Most are handling it very well!

We've added the weather to this blog so that you can see what your Cadets and recruits are up against.  According to the weather gods, we should have rain tomorrow.   We sure hope so!

I will post occasionally on this blog, in addition to what 2LT Curry is putting out.   Please take a few moments to make comments, share observations or even poke fun at your recruits' stylish haircuts!   We enjoy knowing that you are reading the posts and watching the photos.

Finally, please do NOT ask for photos of specific Cadets or recruits.  There are about 200 of them, and we have a very heavily tasked staff.  Therefore, we simply cannot accommodate special requests.

More later...graduation is just a week ahead.  Despite the heat, we're doing great and I look forward to the day that these hard-charging young people earn the title "Cadet."


J. M. LAND, SR.     "Cobra 8"
Chief of Staff
U.S. Army Cadet Corps


  1. LOVE reading the blog! As a parent of a first-timer to your program I have thoroughly enjoyed the daily updates and pictures of the recruits/cadets. Keep it up and thank you!!
    L Flowers

  2. Hello! I read the blogs everyday! Really enjoy! Though I can't contact Braden directly, it is nice and comforting to know what he is doing on a daily basis. He has never been gone this long from home. Been hard on this mom and dad, through your reports we know he is having a great time! Robin Wyatt
